Contact Us

What is the reason for your inquiry?

It will really help us to give you the most accurate quotation if you could let us know whether you are enquiring in relation to a personal or corporate matter. 

Inquiry Form

Different fees may apply depending on the type and amount of documents you have for notarization. 
Please click the button below to get started or ask our notaries a question.
You can also e-mail our notaries at or phone us 856-214-2932. We look forward to hearing from you. 

Appointment Form

To schedule an appointment, please click the "contact Us" button. Fill out the form completely,  

Mobile Hours of Operation

Monday –Friday: (9:00 am - 3:00 pm Appointments Only) 

Saturday: Closed 

Sunday: Closed 

Remote Online Notary

Call for availability.

After Hour Notary Service

Monday- Friday: (4:00 pm - 7:00 pm Appointment Only)

Emergency, Last-Minute Notaries

Notary by LNS reserve the right to review the documents and or instructions (if applicable). 

Higher rates may apply for after hour mobile services* (4 pm- 7 pm)

Remote Online Notary Services not allowed in all states*

Customer Service Satisfaction Survey 

Please take the time to complete the customer service satisfaction survey by clicking the button below